Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Red Bull Commercial

Red Bull is America's leading energy drink company.   Energy drinks is almost a $10 billion dollar industry and Red Bull is the leader in the United States with 47% of the market share.  Not only does Red Bull sell energy drinks but they also put on the Red Bull Air Race and Red Bull Crashed Ice.  Their marketing slogan is "Red Bull Gives You Wings."  They use to air commercials with people trying to fly their own "flying devise," which was very popular with viewers now they have a very motivational ad about "making anything possible."

Do you think this ad is the best way to market an energy drink?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In Response to Rebecca

"Chrysler Superbowl Commercial:  Was it Political?"

I do believe that the Chrysler ad was political.  I think they had a different marketing technique but it could work.  Many people could relate to the struggle that Crystal represented. I do not believe that it was inappropriate. It was disclosed that they spent $10 million on the ad so they should be able to put anything they want in their ad.  Nothing will be considered inappropriate after the Janet Jackson mishap during halftime a few years ago.  I am skeptical though if the ad was effective, which was the main purpose of the ad.  According to there was only a 13% increase in hits to Chrysler's website in the hour after the ad aired, compared to Hyundai's 143% increase in hits to their website.  Chrysler's 2011 ad with Eminem was very successful.  

Will this one be as successful or was it too political? 

Do you think that Chrysler's ad will be successful in helping the struggling car company?